Excel shortcuts: How to improve the productivity at work?
Most people are familiar with the office tools, with the
Microsoft introducing the windows 10. This is going the last stop if you
haven’t learnt the office tools. Most
common and highly used tools are the word and excel. You can’t find a laptop or
pc running windows with no office package installed. However PowerPoint presentation stays close
at the third. This has been the productivity tools used at the office. Once
every office were interested with the tools that were provided by Microsoft,
that’s why still the Giant in software industry is Microsoft. In this article,
we will look at the possible shortcuts which can improve the productivity at
the work place and save your time for shopping , movies , spending time with
the closed ones etc.,
There are over 200 shortcuts in excel spreadsheet, this can
used for any spreadsheet program. The
simple shortcut includes the navigation shortcuts. The easy ones like opening
the file, saving the file, closing the window are the ones you need to learn
and save it for later.
Some macros which have complex coding can solve 10
minutes work in quick 3 minutes. Using
the CTRL+ Arrow can navigate to bottom or top of the page. Easy variable
referencing with F4, you can add the single reference variable in quick
time. There are multiple shortcuts in excel
helping to save your time, better use them and run out of office
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