php interview questions

  1. Difference between GET and POST ?
  2. Father of PHP and the current version ?
  3. How can submit an entry without submit button in php?
  4. How to display date?
  5. Difference between mysql fetch object and mysql fetch array?
  6. Difference between $message and $$message?
  7. How to extract from
  8. require,include,include-once
  9. Types of tables in Mysql?
  11. How execute a PHP command from command line?
  12. Zend engine and its configuration
  13. How to configure shopping site like paypal?
  14. Current version of Apache,Php and Mysql?
  15. What is Object oriented programming?
  16. strstr and stristr
  17. Difference between Asp page and Php page?
  18. Types of errors
  19. Difference between Php3,Php4,Php5
  20. What is difference between http and https?
  21. ER diagram for Mysql tools
  22. copy values from one database to another
  23. Predefined classes in php
  24. Send mail using javascript
  25. Repair a Mysql table
  26. Maximum length of tablename,Database name and fieldname?
  27. grant and revoke 
  28. size of database  in mysql
  29. create table
  30. set function
  31. stored procedures,triggers,indexes


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